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The prior rationale for the bans was that men who have sex with men had higher prevalence of HIV.

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This follows an evolution of policy from a lifetime blood donation ban imposed in the mid-1980s for men who had engaged in sex with men since 1977 to required abstinence periods of five years, three years and, starting in 2019, three months. 'Today's authorization is a significant milestone toward a more inclusive blood donation system nationwide, and builds on progress in scientific evidence made in recent years,' Health Canada said in a statement. The change is expected to take effect by Sept. The agency will instead screen all potential blood and plasma donors for 'high-risk sexual behaviours.' Under the new criteria, anyone who has had anal sex with a new partner will have to wait three months before donating, a Canadian Blood Services spokesperson said. The federal health department announced it is authorizing a submission from Canadian Blood Services to allow donations from men who have had sex with another man within the previous three months. TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada said on Thursday it is lifting a ban on blood donations from sexually active men who have sex with men, first imposed decades ago, as part of an effort to create a 'more inclusive' system. This content was published on Ap17:57 Ap17:57

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